Enabled the OOO/autoresponder at 22:30, planned start at 23:55.
Result: Autoresponder active immediately, server time is in sync (means CEST, according to timestamps in /var/log/messages)
Expected result: Autoresponder starts at planned time.
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Just tested for a user: Enabled the Autoresponder: First clicked 'now' (today at 17:10) to have an initial setup, then changed the starting time to 22:10 today and saved the setting.
Sent mail to user and got the autoreply back.
Server time is in sync.
Where can I find the autoresponder file, or what additional information can I provide to you?
When you setup the autoresponder, it takes a maximum of 1 minute before the new setup and / or changes are in effect.
try this:
clear your auto responder settings and wait at least 1 minute.
then enable auto responder (checkbox), click NOW, change the start time and set it 10 to minutes later then now, and set the end time a few hours later ..
wait at least 1 minute and send the address an email, you should not get an auto respond mail.
the auto responder file can be found in /var/vmail/mailfilters///.autoresponder
I have a ntp-daemon running as well. I can monitor the change in the ISPConfig in /var/log/messages:
Aug 9 18:59:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[32364]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh &> /dev/null)
is the line as far as I remember.
The server sends immediately a reply, also if I proceed like you proposed.
The directory /var/vmail/mailfilters/ remains empty!
What i did was after i created the entry i checked the file: /var/vmail/mailfilters///.autoresponder
in it there's a check for 2 timestamps (unix timestamps) and check those with a php function, to see if the times and dates where correct. They where, so i started mailing the address, no auto reply .. until i reached the timestamps, then it sends 1 auto response (it's 1 else you might get 2 servers looping when you have both ends on auto response ;-)) that's it .. nothing more nothing less. Since i can't reproduce it, i can't fix it :(
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" {
fileinto "Junk";
Stop here so that we do not reply on spams
vacation :days 1
:subject "Out of office reply"
:addresses ["test@test.int", "till@test.int"]
"I\'m currently not in the office. Your mail is not forwarded, and will be answered after my return, which is August 08.\n\In urgent cases please contact info@blubb.de";
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" {
fileinto "Junk";
#Stop here so that we do not reply on spams
if allof(currentdate :value "ge" "date" "2011-09-16", currentdate :value "le" "date" "2011-09-20") {
vacation :days 1
:subject "Out of office reply"
"I'm currently not in the office.";
If someone who runs on dovecot can test this and commit it to the svn? (i'm running on courier) Also, this should be in 3.0.4 if it was up to me, it's a bug in a feature a lot of people use.
(more info: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5260.txt)
I was working on many things yesterday and stumbled onto this. I am looking at why the Debian Squeeze version of Dovecot can not handle the value/ge/le/date combo. From my 5 minute rush to get this working for the client I did not notice any missing packages or libraries. I will look deeper.
Mark, you patch does not crash or otherwise stop the processing of mail, just fails to do vacation mails. Commenting out the if "allof(){" and "}" made it instantly start working for me. I updated and tested on 15 production systems.
I do not see the hours, minutes, seconds in any working example online and am digging though the RFCs and stuff. This is not how I wanted to spend my Friday. I will assume it is a date formating issue and that it could be likely fixed by maybe removing the " : "
Implement the Internet-draft cutoff date check assuming the
second Received: field specifies when the message first
entered the local email infrastructure.
require ["date", "relational", "index"];
if date :value "gt" :index 2 :zone "-0500" "received" "iso8601"
{ redirect "aftercutoff@example.org"; }
Just posting my notes here.... It looks like the date type expects YYYY-MM-DD and the time type expects HH:MM:SS
The ISO example above could be the default type in the system that Mark is using and thus his works.
if allof(currentdate :value "ge" "iso8601" "2011-11-04T12:00:00Z", currentdate :value "le" "iso8601" "2011-11-05T18:00:00Z") {
vacation :days 1
:subject "Out of office reply"
"I'm currently not in the office.";
this should send you 1 vacation mail per day when you send a mail to the address between Nov. 4th 2011 12:00:00 and Nov. 5th 2011 18:00:00
the problem in my patch was that i specified "date" .. which only expects a date, no time..
ISPconfig adds time as well ..
so to get the time right as well, ispconfig needs to be patched to write the iso8601 date-time format as described in RFC3339 and the "date" needs to be changed to "iso8601"
then date AND time will work for dovecot as well..
I am adding the autoresponder_subject now and am testing on a development system. I will commit once I am happy that it works and have tested it on a production system.
A working example of a .sieve, can a courier user please test this for me. I am 100% sure it will work but would love some feedback. I am finishing my patches for the autoresponder email subject also. Notice the Spanish subject line.
if allof(currentdate :value "ge" "iso8601" "2011-11-03T14:35:00", currentdate :value "le" "iso8601" "2011-11-16T17:25:00") {
vacation :days 1
:subject "Fuera de la Oficina"
"In nec diam iaculis nulla facilisis vestibulum eget ac est. Phasellus tempor urna sed elit aliquam fringilla. Phasellus varius nulla consectetur odio imperdiet adipiscing. Donec commodo mattis massa, vestibulum posuere nunc dapibus non. In urna mauris, iaculis ultricies faucibus a, consectetur sed risus. Donec scelerisque tellus ac mauris mollis ornare. Mauris sit amet lacus sed quam convallis laoreet. Integer non ante eget nisl dignissim egestas a ut libero. Vivamus eget eros purus, nec convallis libero. Nunc vitae velit ullamcorper lacus hendrerit bibendum. Etiam ipsum purus, vehicula hendrerit vulputate sed, accumsan at purus. Fusce nunc quam, dignissim ut egestas eu, viverra vitae orci. Curabitur lectus lorem, interdum quis placerat vitae, sodales sit amet turpis. Fusce imperdiet aliquet diam eu ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti.";
Is courier affected by this bug at all? As far as I know, the autoresponders worked in courier and the maildrop plugin has not been changed with your patches. Sieve is used only for Dovecot Deliver, Courier uses a different LDA (maildrop) which has its own filter syntax and files.
My changes did change the output of the script which could affect Courier. I think it will be fine. I just wanted to have some testing done before we closed this.
Axel, yes I committed a fix on Friday November 5th 2011 that adjusts the data type of the date match to ISO8601. I just noticed that the issue tracker does not list dates for each post.
Andrew, the autoresponder for courier is created by the plugin maildrop_plugin.inc.php and is based on the template file conf/autoresponder.master. As far as I can see, it is not implemented in these files yet, so it can not work on mark_nl's server.